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Content Creation
Text-to-Speech makes your content more accessible.
Your contact centers can engage customers with natural sounding voices
Content Creation
Content Creation Text-to-Speech makes your content more accessible.
Enhance visual experience such as speech-synchronized facial animation
Youtube Narration
Create a professional youtube narration audios instantly in any preferred language using SpeechBot's Text to Speech feature with various SSML voice effects.
All Voice Samples
We support more than 80 languages and 660 voices, listen to the samples here.
Supported Languages
Afrikaans (South Africa)AmharicArabic (Asia)Bengali (India)Bulgarian (Bulgaria)Catalan (Spain)Chinese (Hong Kong)Chinese (Mainland China)Chinese (Taiwan)Czech (Czech Republic)Danish (Denmark)Dutch (Belgium)Dutch (Netherlands)English (Australia)English (India)English (UK)English (US)Filipino (Philippines)Finnish (Finland)French (Canada)French (France)Galician (Spain)German (Germany)Greek (Greece)Gujarati (India)Hebrew (Israel)Hindi (India)Hungarian (Hungary)IcelandicIndonesian (Indonesia)Italian (Italy)Japanese (Japan)Kannada (India)Korean (South Korea)Latvian (Latvia)Lithuanian (Lithuania)Malay (Malaysia)Malayalam (India)Marathi (India)Norwegian (Norway)Polish (Poland)Portuguese (Brazil)Portuguese (Portugal)Punjabi (India)RomanianRussian (Russia)Serbian (Serbia)Slovak (Slovakia)Spanish (Spain)Spanish (US)Swedish (Sweden)Tamil (India)Telugu (India)Thai (Thailand)Turkish (Turkey)Ukrainian (Ukraine)Urdu (India)Vietnamese (Vietnam)